› Techra's Powerhouse

August 05, 2024

Starting a new diet tomorrow. Not a diet in the sense of keto, but in the sense of following specific rules. I'm looking to put in a wee bit of muscle over the next ~8 weeks, and so my calorie and protein intake need to be monitored. I'm trying out the RP (Renaissance Periodization) Diet and Coaching app, to see if it's any good. I'm not sure if it's going to be worth the $26 a month though, but I'll try it for August. It's recommendations are set at 195 grams of protein a day, which is around that 0.8g/lbs of bodyweight recommendation for protein. Including the carbohydrates and fats, I'll be sitting around 2700 kilocalories per day, gaining me about eight (8) pounds by the end.

I've created a small calculator spreadsheet to help me get my near exact food weights for macros. It does involve some adjusting of weights manually to get it right but it's pretty good, I think. I may toss it up on here for you folks to look at. Also, back at the gym starting today. Has a good session, just mainly focusing on my primary weightlifting movements: bench press, overhead press, deadlift, squat, and pull-ups, while also throwing some isolation movements in there, such as triceps press. I gave the front squat a try today rather than the back squat, as my shoulder does not like the back squat these days. My fingers don't like the front squat but they need more stretching to work out the athritic kinks. But yeah that's that. Just a little different sort of update! Peace!

Feeling: Energized
Listening: The ambient air around me

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